EACPTI - European Accreditation for Counseling Training Institutes

An association of training counselors fulfills the following conditions:

  1. It shall be concerned with the provision or development of Counseling and/or Counseling training as defined by the EACP.
  2. It must have a structured program to encourage all its members to subscribe as individual members.
  3. It must provide evidence that all its members comply with the EACP standards.
  4. It must have, or provide evidence of compliance with, a written code of ethics or practice, a complaints procedure, and means of recognizing professional competence consistent with the professional standards established by the EACP.
  5. It shall cooperate with and promote all EACP elections within its own area of operation.
  6. It shall undertake to act as an agent for the EACP by distributing EACP material and, where appropriate, collect subscriptions from EACP members in their own association on the due date, and submit all subscriptions collected to the EACP Administration Department, together with a list of all fee-paying members.
  7. It should have commonly agreed procedures for standards of practice and professional conduct.


After applying to the EACP, the applicant must submit the details of their Training Institute as outlined in the EACPTI application. This document is available, to obtain the form, please email us at: office@eacp.com.


List of traning associations