About EACP
European Association for Counselling Profession
The European Association for Counselling Profession (EACP) was founded as an organisation to support and promote counselling in Europe. EACP represents and sustains the highest professional standards for the free and independent practice of counselling, and upholds rigorous standards of competence and professionalism. The EACP is committed to a high level of competence and training standards in counselling. Organisations and individuals who fulfill the criteria benefit from joining EACP.
Membership of the EACP includes individuals and organisations and shall be open to applicants who meet the requirements of one of the EACP membership categories.
Categories of membership shall include:
- National Associations (NA)
- National Coordinating Committees (NCCs)
- European organisations (EWO)
- Member Councillors’ Associations
- General Membership
- Individual Members
- Training Associations
- Modality Groups
- Client sector groups
- International organisations
- Affiliated Organisations
- And other categories that the EACP may create.
All organisations applying for membership with the EACP must confirm that they meet these basic requirements prior to application.