President EACP

Mario Fernandez Alameda

I have dedicated my professional life to the fascinating study of human behaviour, a journey that has been both enlightening and enriching. Early in my career, I immersed myself in the exciting world of psychology, working in the first psychology office set up for the NGO Auxilia. This noble organisation was dedicated to providing support, counselling and research for people facing challenges due to disability.

I then spent 15 years working as a Human Resources Manager in prestigious organisations in Monterrey, Mexico and Spain. During this time, not only did I gain a great deal of experience in human resources management, but I also embarked on a constant quest for knowledge, completing a Master’s Degree in Organisational Development (OD) and specialising in the assessment of managers through the Assessment Centre. At the same time, I trained as a psychoanalyst at the International School of Psychoanalysis in Monterrey, adding another layer of understanding to my professional arsenal.

Although my time in business was satisfying and successful, in the 1990s I felt the call to return to the field of helping relationships. It was then that I decided to dive back into this exciting field, combining my business experience with my fervent desire to understand and guide the personal growth of others.

In 1993, fate led me to meet Paolo Quattrini, an illustrious Italian Gestalt psychologist who became not only my mentor but also an invaluable friend. From Paolo’s hand I plunged into the world of Gestalt psychotherapy and counselling, a journey of six years of training at the Gestalt Institute of Florence under his wise guidance.

In those years counselling was emerging as a unique and humanistic model of the helping relationship, gaining influence in both England and Italy. This upward trend culminated in the establishment of the first Italian Counselling Association, of which I was a founding member. I also had the honour of being actively involved in the organisation of the first International Counselling Congress, an event that brought together leading figures such as Paolo Quattrini, Claudio Naranjo and Petruska Clarkson, as well as numerous Gestalt and humanistic psychotherapists from all over the world.

During my training in Gestalt counselling and other helping approaches, I became determined to return to the field of helping relationships and gave up my business career. In 1998 I founded the Gestalt Counselling Institute where I began training counsellors and psychotherapists in the Gestalt approach based on existential and phenomenological principles.

Over time I have broadened my horizons to include character psychology, sacred psychology and psychedelic models from various schools and streams of scientific research. In 2010, together with colleagues and mentees, we founded the Spanish Counselling Association (AECO), which later joined the European Counselling Association (EAC). This milestone was crucial in establishing counselling as an independent and distinct profession, in line with European professional standards.

I continue to work as a counsellor and psychotherapist, trainer and Gestalt supervisor in Spain, Argentina and Mexico. I have assumed various responsibilities in the maintenance, dissemination and development of counselling and psychotherapy with an existential and phenomenological approach, directing institutions and events that promote emotional well-being and personal growth.

Passionate about helping relationships based on human freedom and responsibility, I have had the honour of bringing counselling to different regions of Spain and working closely with colleagues from all over the world. My aim remains to promote emotional wellbeing and personal development through an evolving therapeutic approach.

Executive committee

Gloria  María Bredice 

Graduate in Psychology – Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), Argentina
Advanced Technician in Counselling
Gestalt Counsellor

President – Tendrel Foundation

Training and Certifications:

Specialisation in Psychocorporal Disciplines Practices, Theatre and Buddhist Meditation.
    Training in Gestalt and Transpersonal Psychology, with additional seminars and practices in Psychodrama, Eurythmy, Bioenergy, Dance and Integrative Therapies.
Master in Psycho-Neuro-Immune-Endocrinology, Favaloro Foundation, Argentina.
Courses and Seminars in Psychological Self-Assistance and Wisdom of Emotions (CGSI, Norberto Levi).
Experience in Group Therapy.

Professional Experience:

Lecturer in specialised Congresses organised by the Spanish Association of Counselling (AECO) and the Interamerican Association of Counselling.
Participation in Shows and Exhibitions of Integrative and Experiential Disciplines in Rosario and Buenos Aires.

Outstanding Achievements:

Currently Director of Training Courses in Gestalt, Transpersonal Psychology and Humanistic Counselling at Fundación Tendrel, Argentina.

Additional Training:

Training Seminars with renowned professionals such as Marcela Miguens, Sergio Sinay, Melinda Garfield, Stanley Krippner, June Singer, Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, Carl Simonton, Jame Ackerbert and Krank Cardelle, among others.

Ivana Paunović

Educator – O.L.I. Integrative Psychodynamic Method in the field of counseling, psychotherapy, and life and business coaching.

Member of the Governing Board (GB) of the European Association for Counseling (EACP). Member of EAIPP, the European Association for Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

Member: EMCC-Sr. European Council for Coaching and Mentoring Serbia, EAIPP – Center for Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, UPSKS – Association for Psychotherapy Counseling and Coaching, EIPCM – Center for Integrative Psychodynamic Coaching and Mentoring.

Creates and conducts numerous trainings, workshops, lectures, and seminars in the field of psychology and psychotherapy on topics such as the ability for love and work, creativity, communication, leadership, personal development, “counter-skills,” and more.

Founder of the workshop series: “Creative Approach to Life,” a combination of psychology and arts such as acting, sculpture, etc.

Founder of the Psychological Troupe “Scena,” for the supervision of psychotherapists and counselors through theater.

Moderator and organizer of personal development seminars for educators, accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia.

Author of numerous articles for psychological supplements in various media.

Participant in projects and research at the Institute for Psychiatry in Novi Sad, Belgrade, the Home for Neglected Children with Special Needs in Sremčica, the Institute for Addictive Diseases in Drajzerova, Belgrade, as well as the Institute for Addictive Diseases in Gornjačka, Belgrade, and more.

Participant in the UNICEF project providing psychological help for children and families.

Provides psychotherapy, coaching, and counseling for adults, couples, children, and groups.


phone: +381 60 40 55 605,

e-mail: ivnpaunovic@yahoo.com

web: www.ivanapaunovic.com  

Dr. Nadezhda S. Rudenko, EdD

Nadezhda S. Rudenko, Doctor of Education, integrative psychodynamic psychotherapist, counsellor and coach. An OLI- and IAICP-qualified training psychotherapist.

Provost at Academy of Integral Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, LLC. Member of the executive board and ethical committee at International Association for Integral Causal Psychotherapy (IAICP). Co-founder of the Psychodynamic Neuromodelling Coaching modality. Owner of the Academy for Language Coaching and Coaching in Education.

Educator with 18 years of experience. Author of 60+ scientific papers, chapters and textbooks in the field of education, multicultural communication and psychology.


Email: nrudenkopsy@gmail.com

Phone: +79089222619

Website: rudenkopsy.com

Ricardo Granado

Degree in Sociology with a major in Philosophy/Science of Religions.

Professional Profile:
Ricardo is a therapist and coach specialised in grief, illness, life crises and personal and professional growth processes. He is certified as a Transpersonal Development Facilitator and Existential Coach by recognized international organizations, including the ICF (International Coaching Federation), TCTN (Transpersonal Coaching Therapy Network), IACTM (International Association of Coaches, Therapists & Mentors), and EDT (Escuela Transpersonal de Coaching España). In addition, he is a Gestalt Counsellor graduated from the Gestalt Institute of Counselling (IGC).

Work experience:

    Extensive experience in the Education sector as a teacher and trainer of teaching staff, management teams and Psychopedagogical Guidance.
    Significant experience in the Social Action sector, collaborating with various entities.
    Specialised in accompaniment in psychosocial conflicts at work, educational counselling, vocational counselling/coaching and for organisational change, as well as in counselling applied to creative processes and art therapy.

Professional Certifications and Affiliations:

    Transpersonal Development Facilitator (TCTN)
    Existential Coach (ICF)
    Gestalt Counsellor (IGC)
    Member of the IACTM
    Collaborator with several entities in the Social Action sector.

Professional Interests:
Ricardo is particularly interested in therapeutic accompaniment in crisis contexts, as well as in the personal and professional development of his clients. He has a passion for educational counselling, vocational and organisational change coaching, as well as the application of counselling in creative processes and art therapy.

Instituto Gestalt Counselling Tomares
Miembro Supervisor y Escuela acreditada
por AECO  Asociación Española de Counselling 

Membreship comity

President of Membreship comity

Nebojsa Jovanovic

MSc. Master of Psychological Sciences, integrative psychodynamic psychotherapist and counselor, President of the Association for Psychotherapy, Counseling and Coaching of Serbia (SAPCC), European Association for Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (EAIPP), O.L.I. Center for Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Counseling and Coaching and Section for Psychotherapy and Counseling of the Society of Psychologists of Serbia. Founder of the psychotherapy modality Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, accredited by SAPCC, OPPL, EAIPP, EACP. Psychotherapist, supervisor and educator with 4 decades of practice. Author of 12 books in the field of psychology and psychotherapy and numerous scientific works.





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